This newest menu plan from Zestful Kitchen is for a somewhat bittersweet get-together. Ring in the fall weather and say goodbye to your lush garden with this grill out dinner menu that’s sure to encourage you to fire up the grill (and maybe a bonfire) before everything frosts over.
I know some of you out there are willing to brave the cold snowy weather, shit some of you are in Cali and can grill year-round. But for those of us who aren’t willing to brave the winter conditions and don’t live in the sunshine state, well, these next few weeks might be our last chance at getting behind the grill for a while.
So in honor of saying goodbye to grilling season, and our beautiful garden we so stupidly filled with annuals (don’t ask), I decided a shindig was in order.
And you and I both know, every great party needs a great menu. Check out the menu plan below and be sure to keep an eye out over the next few days as these recipes roll out day by day.